Winter Landscape Photography // Local Woodland in Snow & Fog // Wonderful Light 💡
This is a biggy, I’ve got so many photographs that I like and want to share them with you…
This was a moment that really doesn’t happen that often round these parts. Fog snow and just wonderful moments of light flowing through the fog. I’d gone to my local woodland and spent quite sometime enjoying the small amount of fog in this one area, I decided I would walk further afield literally across a field and OH MY GOODNESS! It was a pea souper, I had moments when the fog was so dense I couldn’t see the trees in front of me.
But I have a slight confession to make, this was filmed on two occasions, I do explain in the video so you will have to go and give it a watch to find out more…
I hope you enjoyed the video, but lets get down to the nitty gritty, here are the images from this project, let me know your thoughts down below in the comments box. Also if you like any of the images or would love a print also let me know down below and we can arrange this for you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for visiting my website and I hope you enjoy my work.
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