YES! The book is done and ready, available via Blurb but I wanted to drop the details on my website and to have a place I can share outside of facebook and the evil perils of social media. Posting on Facebook and twitter things quickly become yesterdays chip shop paper. I also wanted to give a little background to why and how this book became a reality…
The Let’s Create group is a Facebook Group I started a couple of years ago. A community for creativity. It’s predominately Landscape Photography, fine art photography but I set the group up for any kind of discipline in Art. Now to get to the reason you’re here, the Let’s Create book. This came from the idea of competitions to win the banner for the facebook page. I felt this was done to death and it was time to make something to be proud of and hold in your hand. The book was born and each week I picked a winner from lots of images from lots of photographers sharing their vision and love for photography. Everyone who posted not just the ones that won each week but everyone produced amazing images and it was harder and harder to pick a winner each week. BUT here we have it 64 pages of images and details by each photographer. I’m hugely proud of this achievement and to have this book in my hand will be an emotional moment after the year we have all had.
A massive thank you to everyone who contributes everyday to the group and a huge thanks to everyone in the book.
The beginning of 2021 I will start another competition and push to try and improve and make the next book over 100 pages of wonderful images from all the members in Let’s Create. But for now there’s only one thing left to say and that’s…